'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Monday, March 10, 2014

Throughout the 3 months.

Hey peeeepo ! Don't know what move my this lazzy bum ass to write up a post today. As you know, I always love writing blogs and feelings down. But with my super bad connection in my room in addition with my super busy life. I can't really write on time about everything. =D

I wanted to blog badly back then about my CNY post. But there is really too much to blog about you see.

But before that let me show you our Pangkor trip on January first :)

The Mr & Ms Pangkor :P
So yeah, we had one month holiday. So we planned to go for a vacation. I've got no idea where we are really heading to but I just follow since I got nothing much to do also. Ipoh + Pangkor had finally come to the final decision. It wasn't really fun as I've been there before and the island are really small. But what makes it fun is because this time around Im going w bunch of classmate :) It's been a alcoholic trip for them because they brought tons of beer and liqour in. It's really tough carrying them all the way in. hahahaha I really had a great time there. My very first time riding on a bike. I really love staying by the beach. The non-hectic kind of lifestyle is really relaxing and loves. OMG ! How I wish I don't have to go home. 

Let's just sum up with all the CNY post here. It's been nothing special about the year. Its kinda odd to have myself at home since Day1. hahahaha... Well, I have to get used to it now and learn all by myself. I've learn that no matter what in the end, its always you and yourself. So yeah, its okay to be selfish sometimes I guess? 
One of the pic I love the most during CNY !

Nothing really special throughout CNY. I went out w all my friends. Its seems like once a year gathering. Cause everyone will be like coming back from overseas and outstation. I love it when you see all your friends after so long and you've got so much to share about the year. You got your new plans about life. Your dream and goal to be achieved. No doubts I love spending quality times for bonding like this rather than hanging out watching movie and getting something fancy sometimes.

With them around, its been a blessing. Really. They always gives me this positive energy whereby I always have the second thought to slow down for chasing so many things in life. :) Thank god for each and everyone I met despite those unnecessary one. 

This year I wouldn't be doing all the posting up photo of each and everyday of CNY. Cause I did it every year. -,- LOL girlssssss..... Check it on insta if you really miss me so muchieeeeeee. Gheeeeeeeeeeeeee*

Let's move on with valentine. Well, this would be the year i received most of the gifts even some of them are yet to be receiving. But it's kinda sad cause I gotta work on these day like really WTH ? So many valentine gift no valentine is a bit weird anyway. But my aunt say you don't have to rush for it. If its yours it will come eventually. Make me feel a lil better at times. One of the most out of all gift, I would really want to thank my dark knight. ( he claim himself as one anyway -.-) Thanks for being there for me whenever I needed you. Sent me Starbucks when Im so fed up studyingggg. You always ask me not to fall in love w you. But I gotta say I really love you like how you love me like sis. xD Thanks for seeing deep down in my eyes without even needing me to say one word of it. 
Thanks for the pre-valentine dinner

Not long after, it came to the date of 24. Well, it reminded me a lot of things. I said I don't want to kept myself writing up about you. But I couldn't help but to think about you and emo for some while. I find myself struggling if I should have wish you. I find it hard and start deleting all the pictures we took in insta and realize that things are so different now. I might no be the one celebrating it with you now. I wish you no bad, but somehow one day to understand how it feels what I'm having it. Please don't turn out to be someone I don't want you to be. 

Time flies.... Stepping in the month of March now. WOW ! It's closing to my birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyy ! It's my 21st birthday. I've been wondering if I should have throw a party or not. But to really manage tons of monkeys are not an easy thing for me. hmmm. Once in a lifetime. Kinda dilemma. But I guess. Simple is the best? Guess shouldn't have ask for much. Be thankful.

Ohhhh yeah, before I forget..... Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! This is my new look. I know its kinda weird. Whatever it is. Cause some say nice some say dont. I just want to try and cut before its too late. Old I mean. That time will be even weirderrrrrr.... Hahas !

Been spending two nights with my love. Love having her around. If you ask me to describe her. I guess I would say that she is a mum for me. Eventhough, she is younger than me and always scold me face to face directly. Deep down I know she cares me and protect me as if I'm like her daughter. I love you w all I can. But you see we both have flaws. I mean everyone have flaws. Both of us a kinda short tempered girl. We tend to argue and talk loud and bad sometimes. But we will never leave each other. My love, I'm sorry that I couldn't join you guys for Taiwan trip. I got exam. Else I'll be there with you... TT I promise I will go it w you again !!

A girl who sees more than me and taught me so much about life. She made me learn that not everyone called them self as friend ain't really been treating you like one. She taught me how to protect myself and see this real world differently. I admit that I trust people easily. I know I'm dumb at times. Thanks for always being there to remind me. hahaha I don't know why you are more like a elder sis to me. 
I love you ! 

Am going to Lost World soon w Le Curioso Groupie. After so long, finally another trip of our gangggg :) Hopefully, I got sometime to update my next post about the trip ! hehehe. Ciaozzzzzz ! 

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