'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lost World Trip

Like I say last post, curioso groupie is going for another trip this year ! Yeah, Lost World Ipoh :) 
So let's start of we our journey with getting everyone ready at uni and I left my car there and start heading to Jin Xuan for breakfast ! Yeahhhhhhh, Liu Sha Bao is my fav! :D 

Before we started our jouney to the North, I have to sent my aunt stuff and thanks to NickieNic for always being a helpful one as always :) As usual, how can we go on without a selfie ? So, lem'us take a selfie ! 
The Retareded Us
Only sometimes, we are retarded... We are normal most of the time :P

I can't really remember how long does the journey takes all I know is when I wake up from nap I'm almost there ! So getting all our rooms and check in done. Still. let us take another selfie ! :P Let's rock the pool yooooooooo :D

It's nothing really special almost similar to Sunway Lagoon but what makes it special is that the Hot Spring and the Spa are SUPEBRB ! It's a girl paradise man !! Oh goshhhhhh..... How can I bring you home ? hahas.

Coincidentally, the day we went falls on the 14th which is White Valentine. Lolol
So we went to this Ben & Lynette for some lil celebration :) Heheheh ! 

After that, we went to this so call Tong Shui Gai ( Dessert Streets ) for some sweet tooth ! 

As I walk along the street, I love the lighting and the scenery. Wishing that how nice it would be if everyday I can enjoy life away from the city, from all those hectic life and live freely with the soul and the mind peacefully. No stress, no nothing. Just as simple as this. Spending time w the one. I wonder how long does it take for me to enjoy such a life. By decreasing my desire of life?
Zap Guo Bing ( Mix Fruit Ice )

Since the night is still young, we decided to do something #YOLO again. They wanna go SOS but I didn't bring any the heels. You really want me to go like this =.=" So we end settling ourselves at this Bricks & Barrels. This time 2 beer and 2 shots KO ! Level up ! *Peace*

Everyone got a hangover last night therefore, we are unable to wake up for breakfast. So we went down all the way to this " Da Shu Jiao" eat. Sa-Kok is always my love ! Gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Before heading back to KL, we still manage to get some nice foodie to bring home ! Never one time we never go home full of foods man. Really mm dim laaaaaaa ~
Custard Egg

So we ended up our trip quite rush and tired. I wish we had more time to chill like we once did like last trip. Looking for upcoming trip after this sem yoooooooooooooooooooo :))

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