'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I'm back ! Just so you know my blogged are so dead and it takes real lot of time to get things updated time to time. It's been a hard time since the end of June till now. Nothing seem to get better. God, stop testing my patient. I can no longer stand all this stress anymore. 

You know a whorl-type of girl like me wouldn't give up without trying. When I say I'm in a terrible shit, I meant it. I take whatever job that offers which is never like me. I did try to change. I change my job. I pray hard to god, hoping that he can hear me. But nothing get better. NOTHING. I couldn't get myself in a proper sleep about a week. Stress-overload. Insomnia. I wanted to go to the pharmacy to get some sleeping-pills. Else I really gonna die soon if this continuous gonna drag me. 

I finally willing to write blog today out of a sudden is because I finally found that I got no one to talk to. Instead writing it out could get to release some of stress ? I'm just back from work, and the words that this customer say really hurts me that I keep on crying in the washroom. I really feel like quitting the job ! 

I tell myself to bare in me how hurtful the words it is to me and prove to you guys that you are wrong !! I don't eat also I'll make sure that I'm gonna slim my fucking waist down ! 

I wish I could write everything down of what exactly my heart feels :( 
And at the same time, you find yourself with no one to talk to...
Family, everyone have their own problem in life. Dont want to bother them.
My so call best sis, busy working and tend to mix around w her colleague more.
Boyf, never know what to do with. 

You'll never understand the stress that I'm facing. NEVER. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand :)

    Life is up and down.... you deserve a better one really... little cute girl... good luck in your competition... I see you as a future super star :)


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