'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bin Bin Birthday ! ❤

First of all, Happy Birthday to our Bin the Dustbin !! :) Officially 20 now.... Hehehehhhh ( no longer the only one so old TT

We met up at uni and we drove all the way down to KL for our lunch at Levain Boulangerie Patisserie 

See how fast can an iPhone function in a second ! :P

Happy Birthday Boyyyyyy !

Our lunch of the day :)

Since we had nothing much to do while waiting for the desserts to be served, time to SELCA ! Hehehhhh usual thing larhhhh... Dont have to say much right ?

Free movie ticketssssssss :) * thumbs up *

Im so fat man ><

W ze birthday boyyyyyy ! I love this pic so much wehhhh ! <33

Zeeee twooo bros aka couple :P

W le Soh Poh :S

After finishing our lunch, we head to Pavilion for movie and guess what ? When we were queuing up for movie tickets a girl came and approached us with FREE TICKETS ! ( 3D somemore ) We was like okay lorhhh take the free movie instead of waiting for the queue that we werent sure to get the time we want. ( I watch Monster University twice wehhhhh ) Since it's free.... hmmm why not ? So we bought some drinks before we go in but they even provide us popcorn and drink as well. We was like ..... WOW ! 

This guy ( bufffday boy ) claim that cause of his birthday GSC purposely free it for him and also other as well just to celebrate his bigggggg day worrrrrrrrrr.... ( Budak tak tau malu ) hahahaha

Anyway, after the movie we hang around in pavi and we were so happy to find out that S'pore DC Comic are cheaper M'sia DC Comic ! It's like we got it for less than half of the price here AFTER DISCOUNT wehhhhh.... Happykid. Lalala ~

We than head to Caffeinees for dinner. As usual, we got so much time to waste and we took some funny retard pictures like we always do. Hahahahah.. Dont ask me why, cause I dont think we've got any idea with it. 
So he look like taking the pan want to hit someone ? Hmmmm

So many cake today right ? Want you to have a nightmare w TIRAMISU !

I love this also man !
Credits to myself hahahahah ! Like a pro taking picture :D 
Acting cool huh ? I hope this doesnt FAIL ! :O

I guess that's all for todayyyy. I hope the bufday boy enjoy his day with us although its just a simple one :) Sorry, if I write too short or my english is too hard to understand. Let picture speaks louder than words then. 

Looking forward to our Sunway " Class " tripppp wehhhh ! Can't wait to see guys with mankini ! :P Anyway, I'm so happy to have a bunch of monkeys like them that we share a dream together ( although I know its a short one ) but we really work towards it and make it come true. That's the thing to be appreciated. Love you guys anyway. Love lots, XOXO 

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