'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The office girl

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy peeeeepo ! :D Have you ever tried blogging while working ? Here I'm actually writing !  Well, it's last day of working before CNY starts. So why not ? Hahahahaha need relax a bit :PP
Happy kid ! Last day of working ! Shou gong lorhhhh! 

So are you guys ready for CNY ? Well for me, basically a yes as in I bought so much of CLOTHES ! Hahahahahahaha ! But with limited days of holiday I dont know what should I do w it. I wish I'm like any other people too got kampung to balik ! I miss those feel ~~ But somehow I'm staying KL most probably just go to friend house and bet like a mad woman for feel days continouslyyyyyyyyy =P It's like a MUST thing to go during CNY.

I wish to go for a travel somewhere else, but it's like no one would actually go w me /: Hmmmmm. So sad right ? Nvm, cheers * I save those money for other things ^^

Valentine falls on the 4th day of CNY if I'm not mistaken. I don't want to celebrate it alone for like pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! It makes me feel like im so LONELY wehhh~ I dont want to be a lifeless me. Go club maybe 0.o WOW ! during CNY lorhhhh I wonder how is the feel. My friend would have claim that I'm insane. Hahahahaha 

As for working part I'm kind of like get to calm down w whatever shits that happens.. Let it be. Cause I believe those who loves me willing to wait and have such a great faith in themselves in order to own me. I mean why rush in love w someone who dont even have patient ? LOL ! Ridiculous. But I pray for you that you may get for someone you want in future.

Well, update you guys soon when I'm back to work ? HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE ! Love yaa ! <3

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