'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's all about CNYYYYY !

Heyyyyyyyy, peepo out there. How have you been ? I have a really great CNY. It's like a WOW to me ! But the pay off would be three word : SUPERB EXHAUSTING ONE ! I have lots of fun. I never regret. and thank god I never get sick also :P

Day 1
Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone ! ^^ Heading way to relative house bai nian :D Yeyyyyyyy ! Visit kai ma ma Hehehehehhhhh~ Every year say I fat but this year say I thin. Happy die me Gheeeeeeeeeeeee !
My kai gor gor which play small till pig :P A guy who gives me bully a lot ^^

I look so pale I dont know why >,< But movie time w SL darling <3
Day 2 
Nothing much todayyyy. as usual every second day of CNY always go my so call " boyfriend " house bai nian. Very funny de granny always ask me when want to get married with Kit Kit :PP Gamble all day long w his relative is a MUST every year. Later on , hanging out w William & Thean housey :)
Trying to act cute? Haha :PP 

Pic of the day :) Happy chor 2 ! 
Day 3 
Joanna Babe came my house bai nian :)) Went out movie with my bunch of monkeyyyys ! Had a great dinner w em' but it's terribly crowded and keep us waited for about an hour @.@ I'm going starving soon.

Day 4 
Way back to Penanggggggg ! It's like years since I last back there. Hahhahhhhhh I miss my ah ma and my relative there :PPP Most of all I miss the cendol over there yahooooooooooooooooooo ! ^^
Have a great time on the hill w WeiLin. Teeeheeeeee
A casual look of the day :)
I miss when I were a little kid way back to penang w familyyyyy. But those time will never have again /:

Hehehehehhhhhh Cendol is love <3
Day 5 
It's the Valentine day. Kay fine. I suppose got a date w my buddy. Thanks Colby for trying not to make me feel alone. But so sad we were both rushing for time and we didnt end up having a dinner and he fetch me all the way down to bus station. Very gan jiongggggg. Cause I almost late for the bus /.\ I cant never forget how I catch for a bus ! LOL ! Btw I end up reached safely to tuas :) Sad part was, my dad was upset w me and we did quarrel for some time. Haiihhhh /.\

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Day 6 
Heading way to Universal Studio ! ^^ I wish to go so long and now finally got someone willing to accompnay me go :D Imma happy kid yeyyyyyyyyyyy ~

I finally get to step my footprint here ! USS <3
Have a lot of fun here and I almost vomit for the sleepless night and the 360 degree roller coaster. This is crazyyyyyyyyyyyy ! Thank god those unwell feeling just passed.

See what I've spot at SG ! Aint they cute ? I want to buy them all home can ? >,< But too bad all in Sing dollar TT
Day 7
 We went to JPO. I tot I will buy like a mad woman but sadly I didnt. I want burberry purse but I end up buying myself DKNY perfume and stuffs that worth it. I tot I get to buy the Carlo Rino bag I saw in SG but too bad it didnt sell here /.\ GEK SEI ME !!

Say bye Johor ! :)
We went Muar eat my favorite otak otak :))

Once I back to KL, My cousin sister ajak me dinner as it was known as everyone's birthday kind of day.

She is my love <3

Buahahahahahahhhhh eat one dinner thousand plus 0.o

人日快乐!人日的晚餐 :D
Day 8 
Didnt ended up good cause I still having a cold war w daddy. I went back wai po house. I meet my piggyyyyyy and he gave another surprise weeeeeeee ^^

Thanks again for the blue roses <33
Day 9 
Time to bai tian gong lorhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)

Day 10
Kai gong lorhhhhhhhhhh.. Happy kid gonna say bye bye and say HELLO to stress work & study !
Today drink kai gong jiu and went sing k straight :) Teeeheee happy dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Calvin sing like a god. Sound so alike w jay chou lorhhhhh me likeyyy he song bu neng shuo de mi mi that one :D

Day 11 
Im celebrating my day 11 with results LOL !
I worry more about my over sea paper actually TT
Day 12
Busy w school work ! But somehow they come and surprise me w belated valentine gift ! <3 Feel so loveddddd. 
Hello Kitty miaoooooo !

I love mickeyyy miaoooooo ! Cutie !
Day 13 
Hanging out w collegemate !

Day 14 
No lens day ! 

Day 15 Chap goh mei ! Also known as Chinese Valentine :) had a great night w my sis ! <3 Wishes all my dreams come true. LOL it's funny that i dont buy 4D and wishes 4D to come out my car plate number -.- hahahahhhh

That's all for my CNY ! ^^ Hope you guys enjoy yours tooo ! :P I know my blog post are long but it was just full of picture. Dad say I've been like a monkey running here and there from top of malaysia till bottom of malaysia xD

Hope everyone had a great life ahead towards this new year yaaaaaaaaaaaa ! 

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