'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, January 27, 2013

CNY is around the corner for so SOON !

Can you feel the CNY is coming ? I feel books smell... Somehow my class gonna start soon. Damn sad ! Argghhhhh Haven get to the mood to study yet. But I cant give up Tzeyan Lau says NO !

CNY is around the corner!! Have you guys bought any clothes yet ? :D I'm like a mad lady buying more than a month's clothes man LOL. My bro ask me if I want to open a shop to sell second clothes. I say I will consider that hehehhhhh...

Well, I'm on shoot today again..... :P

Gong Xi Gong Xi :D

Smile Naturally is always the Sweetest of all 

Super model post :P

Sometimes in life, you have to out of focus too....

I like this but I don tknow what wrong w my eyes....

^6^ My piggy look

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