'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Am a typical girl

Today is GAT Sdn Bhd Pre- Launching !! Finally the day we work so hard had finally come ! Out of no way I have to be a back stage MC and I was like damn NERVOUS cause as you know I'm not good in deeper chinese language ! But somehow we make through it. LOL It didnt end up good but I have done my part that's all I can say. Somehow we didnt do any rehersal cause its like so last minute work and we still get a 70% event ! Okay larhhhhhhh can be accepted aint it ?

So when it comes to an end to a dermatoglyphics session.. Kind of lot customer to handle btw. I feel like faint cause of the sleepless night ><" and out of no way there's this guy who come in to surprise me w a bouquet of roses. I told their gang before while ordering flowers for the VIP I said I want a blue one ask them to ordered extra one for me -.- and I didnt know he really go and get me one ! OMGGG! I was so shock at that moment and I dont know what to do with it. All I can say is just smiling and no reaction at all. and a paiseh feel... Zzzz Out of no way I was like being captured picture and sort of that. But dont expect me to upload that ugly pic okay ? :PPP

Anyway, I'm just a typical girl which like any others w no difference when receiving flower also feels being loved and touch eventhough I always said girls are so selfish for wanting a few days happiness and pluck them up like FRESHLY AND LIFELY hahahahaha -.-

You know why I like blue ? Cause it means to someone who are SPECIAL <3

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