'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A brand new me :)

I'm a so new me now after joining the this company ! I'm a new Tzeyan Lau ! :PP Well, you can see so long I've never been updating my blog means I was so busy on work till I've abandon my baby bloggieeeee.. I've been learning a lot in this rather then I work freelancer job last time. I'm glad I found a brand new me in the year of 2013 ! Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! :)

In the new job, I learn more about myself. I knew what I'm so in to. I gain more working experince here. Although I work like a cow, but I believe someday I'll be success like one of my boss now :D It's good to always start w a H.O.P.E ! Well, thanks to Nic for giving me guidance and also changed my life's perspective some how someway. The company itself also provide us classes to gain our confidence when we meet our customer. So here I am... I've done my Public Speaking ! ^^ Say "NO" to Stage Fear !

I feel so proud of having this and be a part of MBI & GAT staff ! 
This is one of my very first name card. It made me feel like I'm stepping on another stage of LIFE.
Thanks for the opportunity to let me learn this much ! ^^

This is one of the song in the seminar I've learn that day. I can feel each and every word in the lyrics. So meaningful. It touches my heart. Especially when i was being hypnotized. Well, I love the feeling throughout the whole session. It is so valuable that money couldn't buy.

Back to my own personal life. This job seriously is a very time consuming but somehow it taught me more than just gaining money every month :)) But it's like I have lost my time w my friends and family. Hmmm..
Since my working was like so pack. My feeling towards him started to fade day by day.. I thought we can be friends but I couldn't accept it anymore for what I've seen and I'm enough of it. You make me feel like I'm so valueless and so unappreciated. Perhaps you never love me. Perhaps you did. It's always been a question mark to me. I wonder if you don't why you begged when I let go ? But if you did why did you do that to me ? Arghhhhhhhhh.. I decided not to make this a question anymore but somehow I still care. Sometimes I cried. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I was so happy for letting this relationship go. Sometimes I misses you. I don't know what my heart wants. They say it's the thing I have to go through before I have really put down. I guess they were right. The only way I can console myself is the way we love each other not the way we want that's what make our relationship dont work it out. I just cant get enough of from you. hmmmm. There is a quote I saw said if a couple broke up they cant get back to friends. If they can,is either they are not be in love from the start or they can never ever be because they had love each other deeply before. Guess deleting you in my life is the only way for me to let my heart feels better. Hopefully, by the time it reaches 20th of May again.. I will get to live out of this way. And say loudly, HELL YEAH, I forget you and feel no pain. 

My friend ask me to get a new relationship in order for me to forget the old one faster but I say no because I finally knew and understand the pain that breaking up can be so pain. That I have to be responsible with it. I dont want to be involve in love till I got myself ready again and this time I promise I will find a suitable one :) I'm sorry if I'm protective if I said I dont want to get hurt. I love myself very much. Enjoy life while still young !

Before I forget, I also went for shooting last weekend. Here are some of the pic which are I like. But mostly also like just that I'm so lazy to upload it :PP 

My next shoot will be CNY theme ! Stay tune :) Buhhhhh byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! 


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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers