'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013 ! ♥

 Say WELCOME to the Year of 2013 ! Goodbye all the unlucky & sad memories away that happens in the year of 2012 behind and wishes all the great thing happens ahead ! :) How fast a year had passed. I'm stepping my legs now in the age of 20's. Was like OMGGGGGG. Ngorrr jippp sao mm dou lorhhhh ! I sound so old wehhhhhhhhhhhhh !! When I look back to pictures, I see how can a 365 days turn a persons. I mean no person itself I mean almost everything changed. Yeah, people have to live in the way they want. Everyone is selfish. Because they only live ONCE. So hell yeah, I gotta live out of the cage and be what I want to be too ! Holllla :) I have a great time in Baruba w Vonou's gang again... Phewwwwwwwwwww ! I never regret giving up seeing firecrackers with all my collegemate to DPC watching nice fireworks. ^^

But deep down in my heart, I envy all the friends around me have partners to spend this kind of big days with. and I was like... looking at my phone searching who to celebrate my day with... was like WTF who should I date tonight ? Hmmmm... well, the feeling aint good. But somehow, all my buddy try to bring me out of the blue... Thx for your effort peeps ! :) Those pic search yourself on Facebook ! I will upload them when I got mood :P anyway, Happy New Year everyone ! My very first wish, forget the past and get to start my new life as soon as possible ! xD Tomorrow I will be going to work with MFace ! Tzeyan Lau, jiayoussssssssss ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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