'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shop like a boss!

I was superb happy cause KW just told me that Maybank Credit Card are doing some promotion on Coach ! I was feeling crazyyyyy :) So we went to One U's Coach to shoppppp ! :) Hehehehehe Thanks daddy for actually promise to pay whatever I bought :P But I very good one I just one a wristlet =) Say Imma happy kiddo !

Feel so loved ^^

Well, it's been a week for me to sleep irregularly and I don't know why mind is active in this middle of the night like god damn I was so tired and my mind cant shut down -.- Dumbest shits ! I fall a sick back and then. But as usual the medicine I got from the clinic will always be a decoration in my room :) Buahahahaha I'm a stubborn one ! So sorry this is the way I am :P

I got no idea why Xiao Ma and Daddy was like so good to me out of no way ? Daddy still remember I told him that I want a longchamp bag for so longgggg and end up that " someone " never turn up to get me one and guess what ? Daddy came and look for me with the Longchamp receipt on hand asking me to claim it !! I was like ? Ohhhhh my gooodnesss ...........! Is this a dream or is it real ? Although nothing is expensive but I was so happy though ! I should always have thank god for giving me such a nice dad and also my step mum ! <33 *lovelyyyyyyy*

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