'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall a sick.

I went home right after having lunch w my bunch of girls. I don't feel good inside out. I dont feel good outside in either. WTH am I writing? Basically, my body are heat are increasing as well as my heart aint feel so happy w what's happening. 

I hate the feeling being left out. Maybe I'm a lil too sensitive or what. But I somehow feel that I always the left out one and nobody really cares about my existence. Is like when they need my help they come to me and when they dont they dont give me a shit. /.\ Im enough w my family and relationship problem. Why my friends treat me de same too ? 

I don't get to sleep well yesterday night due to some sort of thing lingering in my mind. I woke up by 5am ! Is like FIVE IN THE MORNINGG! Arghhhh , god pls kill me . 

Rain just don't cease to fall
But you don't seem to care at all
I've been waiting patiently
For your love to come to me 

Sitting alone, in my misery
Now, all I feel is pain
And I refuse to keep playing this game
A game my life belonged to you 
Now you leave me black & blue

Dying inside, can't get you out of my mind 
How can you just break my heart & say goodbye
You told me that you loved me baby
So tell me why, said I win your heart
If I made your dreams come true

So I betrayed myself to be the man for you 
So why am I still by your side after all these lies ?
And why does it still break my heart to see you cry 
All I want is for you to have the perfect life
Even if you're not mine...

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