'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All at once.

Today is a day to skipped :) Cause last week we've done our presentation. No point going to classes just to see others to present right ? My bestie today off so we decided to go to shoppp =) Hahahaha ! I need a new bottle for like seriously. I want to own that Nike bottle instead of the Adidas I'm having now. Cause mine always dropped out water that makes my bag gone WET !! Grrrrrr ! But Nike bottle is going to cost me about 50bucks ++ /.\ still in dilemma to buy or not lorh ! Hmmmm ~

Well, I finally get to step my footprint on H&M lot 10 ! But, I found it out nothing seems so interesting also one. Not my type maybe LOL ! I was actually hunting for my Chloe perfume for so longggggg ! But the sad thing was the big bottle dont have it in packaging one. Arwwww 400 bucks ++ is like a real killing ! Since CK is doing some fair out there, must well I take the big bottle got extra 25ml and I got to like pay cheaper and the exciting thing was there are so much of free gift !! ^^ Which I did not expected ! Ahahahaha :) Should have started thinking now what to buy at Parkson for the 30 bucks voucher ! Weee~
So sad ! Can't fit in nicely /: But still cute larh my son <3

I found a Tee for my Teddy son. But the sad thing was my son can't fit in S size clothes >< OMGG! I didnt know my son is so chubby one. Hahahaha ~ Failure mum. Btw, I damn paiseh when the promoter ask me ' how old is your son ? ' and I have to like reply saying that it was actually for my Teddy =) 

I've just watched Kepong Gangster recently. It was kind of cruel and all the place was like eiiii why so familiar one ? Hahahaha ! A movie which really speaks the truth of the nature environment this area. 

I want to get a new bag also !! But I tell myself to endure my SHOPAHOLIC sickness in order to do something good with the money in the future. So I just ask my brain to shut my heart of wanting so many things ! 

Basically, this is all about today's outing. Ohhhh yeah , I forgot something ! I meet Vonou ! OMGGGG! He looks different already ! Ahahahaha... miss the moment when I work with them as Samsung Promoter. =D Btw, today we played an apps which is predicting something in your future by your palm ! So accurate lorhhhh ! But I didnt know I was so good one =P *syok sendiri*

Let's talk about how my heart feels today, hmmm ... I'm quite exciting as I want to shop ! And it's been so long since I've never like go to places to buy things I want ! ^^ But granny came and talk to me again over the same old question. How am I suppose to respond ? I try to shut my ears down so I dont feel that stress is coming back to me after a while. Haiihhhh doing too much aint going to be healthy larh !! Why can't I always decide what I want and what I choose? /: In addition, this two guys is kind of a rush to me. I'm cant accept it as I'm really in a not-so-stable situation and it's like why cant you guys take it nice and slow. I'm so in stress and you add more stress to me. Thank god for those stress ! Don't you understand when people dont want to reply you means you're so super annoying ?! You're damn irritating okay? Are you thinking is that you ? Yes, you ! Arghhhh beh tahan this type of people ! All the Mr. Predictor said that I have a lot of encounters but all of them are mostly non-true heart. Arwww, so sad. 

有些事, 还是算了吧 :) 不要越踩越深, 免得自己拿来"摔" 
Sometimes you have to take a step back before falling in too deep.

There are times when there  are things we can't change,
but it has completely changed us instead.

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