'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Moods getting better

Teeheeee, guess you can see I'm happier with my new life now from what you've read from my title right ? ^^ Thanks to my gangs of girls , especially Chloe who always lend me an ear in listening all my complains ! :P Thanks to all my classmate who try to put a smile on my face especially Kok Wai , who give me so much of braveness to do each & everything. Devin, for always buying snacks ! Navien, who is so kind giving me his coupon ! Kar Yan, who give me advices and also make lame jokes to make me smile ! Kok Hoong, who always drive me out when I complain how tired of driving. Jia Qii, be there to listen when I'm in a bad mood !! and a lot more which even not from uni's friend. Thanks for all your chocolates , jokes , bringing me out and also treating me Starbucks <3 Hahahaha ! I'm like a princessssssssssss =)

Recently, I dont know what the hell is going wrong w my car >< Always repair non stop one ! Aikssss . Daddy say he will consider for a new car :P Yippie yaya ! But I guess I wont do it now cause I'm undergoing a very broke situation now. Guess will make this wish postphone within the year of 2013 =D

Well, my studies is like a piece of shits ! I dont know what the hack the account lecturer is saying all about & the god damn " lawyer " lecturer are so good in her TEACHING SKILLS in business law. Im like still wasting time here blogging instead of starting my law assignment. I promise to do it tomorrow !! PROMISE !

Nothing much I could actually talk about my life right now.. I'm enjoying w all my friends =) having better freedom in meeting various people in life and knowing lot more things and gain more fun ! Wow ! Amazing one. Deepavali holiday is coming soon.. I guess I shall stay home and save money instead of going holiday ba...

Life is too short to be sad and struggle for one. So why dont smile and be happy ? Be the one you want to be. Be the one you want to achieve. I have my destiny to go. Have you decided yours ? Let's fight for it people !

Single can be HAPPY too ! =D

About my relationship thingy, I'm kind of over it. So stop asking me this and that. People tend to say it's a waste... It's so sad to hear that.... Why must it end up breaking up... Regardless whatever reason it is... You just have to learn to let go instead of holding it so tight until you barely breath. Perhaps the outcome or the end of the result will be different.

Sometimes you just got to accept that some people 
can only be in your heart, not in your life </3

只能 在你的心里,而不是在你的生命中< / 3

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