'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life is about choices.

I feel happier w my new enviroment. I'm happy meeting new friends ! =) But this is not what I want to say about today.. As for people who are close to me know that I actually have some kindof sickness. A sickness which is so hard to choose or decide something. When I go shopping and I like a dress which it comes with two color. I'll ask my friend who go shopping with me which to choose. I always having dilemma in choosing /.\ I hate this !

Just like in life.. It's always about choosing and deciding.. I have to decide to go to which college, what courses to take, where to shop, what to wear everyday.. and so on... not to say about big problem, hmmm i mean like even as smallest thing ever would be what to eat today ? Do you guys have to the same problem as me ? I hate to decide. i hate myself of being coward and feel regret after doing certain decision. Arwwww, i hate myself of being that wayyy !

Tell me what to do with my life. God you gonna keep me back up and guide me every decision or we so call it as the junction of the road ? hahahaah It's kind of bad description ever. Whatever ! My english got sucker day by day ! I dont mind ! Kthxbai

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