'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sooner or later

Dear people out there, don't be a shock for what I'm going to write later because this is not the first time. LOL I didn't know I would actually made up my mind to end the relationship. I didn't know I actually can be cruel too. I didn't know it would end up this way. But there is one thing I know for this time.. Is that finally I found an answer for myself. and it would be : Not meant to be.

All my friend say I'm so stubborn to actually want the relationship back for the 2nd time. But at least I've proved myself for the 2nd time that you don't mean for me to drop any single tears anymore. At least, I know this time I'm done. They say I had a bad habit of wanting to know the answer till the very end. I've made my mission completed. I've found the reason for not staying anymore.

But when I'm alone again. I asked myself a lot of question.. " Why did all guys the same ? " , " Why did he lied to me ? " , " Why must he do this to me ? " , " Why I treated him with all my heart and there is a substitution  of me ? " But my friend consoling me says there'll always be a question mark unless I'm that guy. Truth. and no point for me to actually know the real truth anymore because it doesn't mean anything anymore. All of them praised me that I'm a tough girl :)

I didn't know that daddy would actually support me either. Thanks dad. But somehow when I feel like crying I wish there is someone to cuddle. But all I left now will be my son Teddy & Bao Bao. My friend always ask me not to see the bad side but the good one. So should I say at least my son never leave me alone ? Thanks for my son for accompany me the whole night without FAIL :)

I asked myself for the whole night. I'm not really that cha right ? Okay larhhh , I'm not that pretty , not that slim , not that good in temper but I believe when I love someone I do love it w all my heart. But why did people still dumb me ? Why did still people out there never know how to appreciate ? Is that so hard to tolerate ? Guess so. If not divorce case wont be increasing right ? I don't understand why I sacrifice so much yet all I get back is not even a word of asking me to stay.

There is no use looking back to the past. There is 7 billion of people in the world. I believe I'll found one someday who love and know how to appreciate my love. Perhaps it's just wrong timing or instead a wrong person. Life is really unpredictable. Life is always gonna full of regret. Don't you always says " I should have done this & that " when you look back to your past ? Human beings...

I wont cry anymore.. For someone who don't love me and someone who don't how to appreciate me with my love. Goodbye my luckless romance. </3

I found this quote somewhere and I find it meaningful.

There is no ' IF ' in life
There is only consequences and also result

What's left never come back again
And what come back again no longer prefect 

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