'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Monday, October 22, 2012

Enjoying degree life :)

Well, at first I thought I was going to be alone in degree life. I didnt have a good time during orientation /:
Everyone is like going to groups with bunch of friends that they met during foundation or degree time yet I'm like alone by myself. I always have this negative feelings that people not gonna love to be with me and I got no idea why >< Arghhhh ! Worse feeling ever !

Time passing day by day come to joining to Chloe's group and I'm happy getting along w them :D Teehee !
I enjoy spending time talking and gossiping all the time :P Girls favorite * LOL ! I can truly say that you girls really made my days ! <3

We went to DPC for cycling and dinner together and wish there is lot more coming fun event we gonna organize ! xD But too bad it end up raining and we running like nobody business just to avoid ourselves being wet and also sick. Picture gonna upload soon cause I'm kinda lazy nowwwww... Tomorrow there is classes for English~ Owh damn, that's sucks ! No exemption was really WTF thing to me /.\

I can say that accounting seems to be harder compare to foundation. I know like this is of course the flow of life. But the thing was the lecturer sucks ! She keeps repeating herself something not related to us instead of giving us more information on how to answer the question ! Arwwwwww~ She taught us accounting like its a theory lessoonnn OMFG ! So this is what I do when I'm bored :PP

In addition, I met a new bunch of monkeys from sem3. Hahaha their kinda funny and enjoying laughing lame jokes with them :P Thanks for everyone who makes my day with a wider smile ! Enjoy life to the fullest :) Ohhh yeahhhh ~

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