'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Friday, April 27, 2012

Say bye to Foundation :O

FINAL is FINALLY over ! Hooorayyyyyyy ! Merdeka ! Partayyyyy time :D Rock the dance floor tonight :D Time flies. One year just passed like that. The first day I step into college is still like yesterday. Memories were still so fresh in mind, all the sad & happy in college life I've walk through. The best thing in it is I found " my him " <33 It would be the best part of all :) Thanks for people who walked in & out of my life. I'm sad for people who had left. But when I think in a postive way, when I think back about my past, I've appreciate each day we had & I have no regrets. If leaving for you were even happier then being with me I would be letting you go. Even incase I'll be heavy hearted to let you go. Dont have to stay because of selfishness. I say until like she were my lover. But yes she did. But she has chosen someone who love her more :) So I wish she would have a great year ahead in her degree life girl.

Before final, I always complain for final to end faster so I had time to spent time together. Go for vacation, go for FOODS, go for shopping & just relax myself to the MAX ! But people are always ironic. When final finally ends, I missed people badlyy ): I wonder how my degree life gonna be. Who am I gonna meet. Am I going to coped with the new peoples? Argghhhhhhhhhh.

Today econ's paper, surprisingly it was EASY then I'd imagine. I was like WOW ! Another A's for myself =) I guess god love me very much cause what I study also came out :D Satisfyyyyyyyyy !

I wonder so many months holiday what should I do ? Hmmm? Work ? Nahhhh, I still wanna have time to play for myself. Since I've been so hectic for so long... My body really needs to rest. Holiday? That would be a DEFINITELY yes ! But where to go? Hmmm I wanna go langkawi. Chocolates ! Wow :D gonna gain fats Tsk Tsk Hmmmmm Singapore? I wanna go Universal Studio lehhhhhh! But the currencly expensive like shyyt ! Another no ! Seinz.. Where Where ? )):

So many question is unanswer yet. Like my future. What should I do with my life. What course to take. What to in the holiday so I dont feel like wasting my holiday. But there are few I'm sure about things I wanna do ;

In this holiday things I want to achieve :

2. Get my own DSLR ( this was 2 years wishlist till now -.- OMGG ! )
3. I want to SLEEP early ! I want PANDA eyes to go away !
4. Be a better person ( Control my anger , the way I treat people )
5.Save money for my Seoul or Maldives trip 
( Even if I dont know when I'm going to go but just save ! )

I wish could make it come true all ! 
Happy Holiday Everyone !!

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