'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Well well well, 3 paper has gone! Left the very ONLY one :) Economics =) My favourite subject * I wanna get 4.0 in this subject. Please grand me this wish. And ignore about my wasting time on bloggy :D Yesterday accounting paper, was the BEST one ever. I tell you wad, it was my first time I could balance up both account. FOR MY VERY FIRST TIME IN LIFETIME. I wonder how I pass my past acc paper @.@

As time goes by, I'm afraid. Not about choosing course nor losing my best girl budies. ( It was like so hard for me to find girl friends, you know what I mean ? If you were close to me you understand :p ) I'm just afraind as time goes by, we grow. We getting mature, our thinking would be different. Our prespective might be changing. We might had a lot of argument. We might had timing problem. We might had so much in different. Do we had this big courage enough to overcome this? Congratulation, if we get to overcome this. It mean our relationship is getting stronger. But if it failed. It's the end of the story. Do you ever know I was so insecure recently about this issue? I'm sorry if it wasnt what you wanna hear. You might be thinking if you want you can. Sorry, I hope you understand my phobia & everything. I just need security. You ask me what security is.. I tell you, my security is when you by myside is the BEST security.

I do think before to go to same course with you so at least I can still spent a year time to be together with you. So the foundation we built might probably overcome when you are abroad. But things turns out differently. My account result sucks. I want somthing without risk. Something I'm sure about. I wonder how. I dont dare to decide. I hope September would come a lil slower. So I get to think in within time as I'm spending time with you.

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