'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy 19th to Myself ♥

First of all , I'm sorry for the late post about my birthday ! It's due to my stupid desktop having problem and houseyyyy connection is interrupted by the scary thunder todayyyyyyyyyy ! I'm finally 19th :D Say happy birthday to myself =) Weeeeeee !! One year older now.. Its so unbelievable next year I'm stepping my age with 2+ OMGGGGG ! Btw, if your heart is young you are forever young no matter how old you look like. I dont know what Imma bullshitting @@

Let's back to the 15th of April :) It's my big dayyyyy. But it wasnt that happy at first because the people I expect to wish me didnt turn up & the one who I didnt expect to wish me have been doing so much to touch my heart. I'm sorry for being emo througout the Shaun's birthday. But I'm really sad. If you were in my shoe, try to imagine if your parents didnt wish you, your best friend didnt turn up to give you a call & you even got some lil arguement with your family members. How would you feel ? Sorry, if I react to over. But I am who I am. I cant stand with my tears, I cried. I cried badly alone in the washroom. I wish my action didnt bother most of you in the party although I know non of you is going to read my blog here.

I'm surprise that Alex is so nice trying to fulfill my wish who always wanting him to bring me to Genting yet he really make it on birthday. I'm sorry for FFK-ed you because I heard you said one of your friend is having their birthday too. I dont want to be the so called sharing people's birthday. I wish you did it only for me. Sorry if I sounds greedy. But this is me. I seek attention alot. I do love people who only make me the boss. Please forgive me.

So, I went home with my tears rolling on the pillow.

Maybe due to the long cried, I slept nicely till 1pm. You know, I hardly slept that late after I've entered college. I feel great :) Sorry for the people who text or try to call me after 2am because I decide to turn off my phone because I can no longer stand with people who forgetting me. In order to make myself feel better is to off my phone so I wont think that much. After having my bathe, I hang up my towel I saw Darling Jo's car =) OMGGGGG! She sang the birthday song together with my favourite Green Tea Cream from Starbucks ! Arwwwwwwww ! So sweet of them ♥ We went to KD for lunch and then Dreamz Bakery to have my cake. My darling still remember that I want to eat my cake there !! Ohhh goshhhhhh suddenly I feel like I'm really hang fook and being loved. I thank god for placing such a nice friend accompanied me :D Still she gave me a surprise with this Hello Kitty cookie =D
The Hello Kitty cookies =D
My all time favorites :D
Pikaciuuuuuu ! :)

Things we spent in the Dreamz Bakery <3

Ignore my swallow eyes... for crying too hard

The couple :D

My wishes :)

After that, we went to Tropicana City Mall with Jo & her bf to meet up my boyfieeeeeee =) We went for the movie : The Vow. It's really a touching movie. I cried over & over. At the end of the movie, the girl never regain her memory but both of them still fated to be together. How sweet. I wonder the couple in the movie, faces so much of obstacle but still remain to be together even his wife has lost her memory. I ask myself why can't I face all the obstacles with him while we still have so much in stored of memories? Two years time I believe we could make it boy :)
The Vow

Way to dinner , he ask me to open up the drawer in the car, it's my favorite candy from Japan! My god, he bought it when I go shopping with him in the fair. I cant believe that suddenly he turns to be like MR.ROMANTIC. Now I believe what the horoscope twitter write about Pieces : " When he wants to be romantic , he would be really romantic. " He brought me to Tao for dinner. OMG! It's my wanted-to-go-place. I told him before I wanted to eat there. & he brought me here on my birthday ! Owh goshhhhhhhh ! Thanks for so many surprises. Although, not much of friends show up on my birthday. But I'm happy enough to have at least one or two in life who made up my life xD I really appreciate & thank god for that. We ate alot seriously! ^^ Buahahahahahahahahaha ~ This is the reason why I'm fatter day by dayyy. His fault. But my fats is because he loves me :) So my fat = his love.
My candy <33

My so called " candlelight dinner "
My cupcakes from chic cupcakes :D *lovely*

After eating so much, is time to say byebye for sure. Then we went to have a walk in sunway giza. Guess what, suddenly my eyes were being covered up by his hands and I heard birthday songs again. It's jo & her boyfie again holding cupcakes for me ! I really touch until I tears out and hug my hubby tightly. I thought my 19th birthday wouldn't have a cake to blow with candles & cupcakes were my wish to have in this year. I really surprise with all the stuff he has made.

Way home. He still gave me another gifts which is the white jeans shorts. Wow ! I really feel loved. Hubby, I love you so much ! I promise this wont change..
谢谢你,带来了快乐和幸福在我生命里,我真的好爱你 ♥

Once again, Happy Birthday to Myself ♥

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