'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Friday, March 2, 2012

Life is sooooooooo lifelessssssss .

I hate working . I hate studying either . Recently , I just dont know why I'm really really TIRED ! No ... is SUPERB exhausted ! Arwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww )): I really gonna cry out louddd . Everyday sleepless . No mood to do everything . Emotional came . and this is my very weaknesses TT 

Tell me what can I do about that ? I hurt those people who cared me most . But if you were not my closest family / person , do you think I got that chance to put temper on you ?! Well .... You might think Im talking bullshit here but I'm serious ! If you ere just a common friend , do you think I'll show you the real face or anything ? No right ?! I'm not trying to say I'm right but I just want you to know I might not be good in expressing my own words or how to tell you all my disatisfy but at least you get to know then I kept it all inside and we argued cause of it . I'm sorry for the dis respective me but this is me .

一段感情的致命伤 不是第三者的出现 
而是想法不再一致 慢慢地各自走回自己的世界.

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