'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Xmas Dinner ;)

After being sick for like almost 4 days plus , I've been real suffering and real phobia with water . But I guess this was the unlucky time only . I tend to get no appetite to eat , not to say not at all but is like one day a meal I'm alright with it =.= Can you imagine a 52 kg fat girl like me eat one meal for a day ... Sound so impossible btw ~ But this is what happened to me . )): sad nya I want to eat lehhhhhh ~~ 

Well , the miracle thing happened was this year Xmas eve I'm at home due to just recovering and my hubby didnt date me LOL ! So , just wait for the actual day la . ( The real reason was I actually supposed to work xDD ) The whole night Facebook & twitter was my company . Pitynya this year ~ I hate it . TT

It's on the actual day of Christmas ;) I was so touched that he awake for me at 12 ++ , guess what ? the day before he was back in the morning and still he willing to be awake that early just for me .. *Lovely* He get himself ready and he came to my house around 3 plus .. We went for a movie at Kepong TGV Teehee ;) The very first time he came to kepong and watch it with me . Sherlock Holmes was the movie of the day . What I can say now is I forget the story totally . =.= I remember he dead and thats it . @@ See , Im superb old now ~ I have to make this habit of blogging more often so I can refer back to my blog someday someyear . 

Stop all the nuts and back to the story , after that hubby booked Fullhouse for me ;) for the dinner of the nights <3 It's my first time been to Fullhouse SERIOUSLY ! I wanted to go for so lonngggggggg ~ You know ? TT But the bad thing was I cant eat chicken grill or anything this is due to just recovery and I still COUGH like hell ~ This is the menu of the day :

The Menu , looks like magazine ;)
This is mine <3

This is his one xD
The fav of the day : Desserts !

His present being modified ;)
My Estee Lauder perfume <3
It's the end of my Christmas on 2011 celebration


 28/12/11 - The Malacca Trip 

It was so sudden to decide to go to malacca on the spot LOL ! This is like OMG ~ 
I just feel like eating thousand layer cake so I just feel like going . So my hubby is with me ;) 
I guess he worried of my driving skills on the highway LOL . 

So this is my fav cake
The chicken rice balls ;)

Okay , I know I look weirdo

Gift from him bought from malacca ;)

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