'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Friday, December 30, 2011

Say bye to 2011 soon .

2 more days I'm gonna be 19 . See how time flies . I was a lil shock that it was so fast . Real fast one this year . I wish I had more time to do things I want cause my wish list still haven get to reach it all TT I want DSLR ! LOL ;') Capture the best moment of life =) 

Nothing much for this post , just want to say that I'm sorry if my words / action  hurt you throughout the year . Please forgive for my hot tempered & stubborn attitude . But I am who I am . Accept the way I am xDD I love everyone everybody in 2011

I wouldnt say it wasnt a great year but another year that let me learn a lot no matter in friendship , family , or relationship =D I just love the way I have grown . 

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