'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunway Lagoon .

It's been a long time I didn't had fun just like yesterday . Perhaps this was our year end trip ? LOL ;) Here you go :

While hubby was queuing me and lil bro went had a look on the map ;) So , this is it xDD additional of few parks after I'd been a long time before I step in back ;D

This is the new hi-tech ticket and given a name of E-wallet ;D I still remember when I was it was a wristband of non water resistant as the ticket . World changed , so do human .

So this is me ! Before getting myself wet , I should take a look of myself xDDD Say I'm cuteeeeeeeee with my new hair style =)

 After few hours , we had lunch at MaryBrown ^^ Im so sorry only few picture of the day as I was wet and everything kept in locker ;) So this is one after getting wet one . My look sucks ! I know it .

After changing clothes we tot of going to those amusement park , but it was close at 4 PM ! So note to people who wanted to go there ! Pls go play amusement first before getting yr self wet at waterpark ! So we decided to eat at Pyramid before getting home but then we were lost finding our car @@ I know you gonna say we're dumb ! =.= Walk and walk ~ Till everyone got tired and seeing that lil bro so tired I decided not to eat anymore but go home . Way home , hubby bought me satay as it was really famous and he promised to buy me ;) Buahaha ~ Crazy him bought me 25 sticks =.= expect me to finish it ! ( see , this is the reason why I got fatter and fatter after being with him ) TT 

After reaching home , he went out and I thought he wanna buy what =.= Yuan lai he went to leisure mall get me my kong woh tong de herbal jelly as I said at pyramid I wanted to eat . Not only that he still bought my fav chatime Passion Fruit QQ and fixed my number plates ! But still , I want to thanks for beloved baby for being with me all these while even when I always out of no way throw temper , always being so demanding wanting this and that always complain he didnt treat me well ..  ILY , my boy

Although you're so unromantic , but deep down in my heart you've actually tried your best and love me well . Even sometimes we do mess up ;) Teehee .. We're human , we made mistake .

Happy for being 7 monthsary
I know you'll be there for me & always will . 

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