'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

If ever the world ends..

According to the movie 2012, on the 21st of December 2012 the world is gonna END. Which means 9 days from now. Have you ever think of what do you want to do in the last few days ? From what rumours I have ever heard, is that 19-21 Dec will be no morning no sun all day night. The news even said all the workers are given the right not to work on that 3 days even the banker. I wonder what comes into your mind the very first thing when you heard about the end of the world. Well, I'll start w my own one first. I guess the very first thing I ever wanna do is to eat with my OWN parents. It's been years I'd never eat with them. Hmmmm... I mean I don't even remember the very last time I ate with them. Perhaps I was still lil kiddo till I don't even remember a single shit. I know that my dad would never ever promise me. But I hope.... IF and only IF he would do it for me. Just for the sake of ME. Eat once with me and my mum. It's been 19 years I've been living. I guess I never felt the warmness EVER of eating together with all my family. I mean I do with my uncle and grandma all but not OFTEN and each time we did we didn't turn up good. I always felt envy of my friends out there who always reject me whenever I ask them for dinner or something and all they said was like " hey i got dinner w family. next time maybe ? " And I was like.... Owhh, okayyyyy. I might seems to be people's envy ' tool '. You know why I say so ? I owned this and that. I have freedom. I have LV. I have cars. I have cards. I have this and that.I have lots of branded stuff. But you'll never know that just a simple wish eating dinner with family, this very simple task will the thing a girl seems so " hang fook " will never ever have... and this wish is like a so IMPOSSIBLE thing to be done ever in life. LOL ! The following one, would be.. hugging the one I love tightly till the very last minute of life. So hard. Very hard. Tell him I'm sorry for everything I did and let him know if ever ever next life we'd met again.  I promise... I'll be your wife.  So have you think of yours ? Better think now or else, everything is too late to be done. Good luck guys out there :) 

I tell you wad !! If really 21 end of the world right I'll get the expensive-st dress out there ! The most exclusive cars. The most biggest bungalow. I want to get my iPhone 5 !! I want to get my watch. I want to get my bracelet. I want that ring.  I want to get so much of things HAhahahahahaha :P Go swipe credit cards like no limit ! Tadaaaaaaaaaaa. If and only if 21 will come else you gotta pay your debts like nobody business.. Jump off the building also not enough ! LMAO I want create my own family. I want to build my career. I want to have my babyyyyy. ( even I said I dont wanna born one ) hahahaha !  I want to be somebody's wife. I want to be somebody's mummy. I want to taste the sweetness of life. I want to enjoy my life still. But I personally don't really believe that it would end on the 21 because as the scientist said if world ends the few months before it. There will be a lot of catastrophe. But I seen non besides than everyday rain -.- But maybe they do in other country cause I dont read newspaper and see news often xD hahahaha ! Better check out yourself :P 

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