'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Few in a row ...!

I'm sorry for not updating again .... ! Where am I since last post ? Ermmmmmm..... 

Where the day people said it's the end of the world and I'm fighting my Finance paper in the exam hall. Else then that, is all crappppp ! WTHHH ! I did careless mistake and fuck it ! I hope you know who I'm saying it to ! I want to stop thinking about how can I did that. FINE ! Not to think anymore.... Since nothing can be done. Just left it to the god to decide. Well, happy thing was I did had dinner w my family <3 Although, it wasn't what I expected much but at least I see his afford to make it for me. Daddy, I love you ! Btw, in this Winter Solstice, I didn't get to it any ' tang yuan ' and had dinner w my proper familyyyy. Arghhhhhh..... So sad !

Well, I'm like a mad kid queuing up for iPhone 5 ! -.- Firstly, I went to TTDI branch but it end up have to put me in the waiting list. and how lucky I was.. I tot going to Curve to try my luck and hell yeahhhhh I got it babe :D Happyyyyyyyy ! 

Well, its Christmas eve, I'm sick ! Was like WHAT ? Im celebrating Christmas with sickness? I went to clinic early in the morning to look for doctor and they told me I got throat infection! DARN! On my way home, I was trying to recall how I actually celebrate my Christmas last year and I remember that I was sick too. Thats why I went fullhouse for dinner that night wasnt much choice to choose ! So sad. I dont want to waste my day just like that , with my stubbornness I went out also meeting up Sze Yan & Chiian Yiing :) We went to Sweet hut for dessert and we decide to hang longer till 12 but the shop is getting crowded and we tend to leave in order to avoid those noisiness. So we went to DPC and went back to SY home at last lifelessly, we watch AOD at her house -.- So this is my Christmas. Promise my Christmas next year will be greater fun :D

I planned to go to malacca for Nadeje Cake. But since no one willing to fetch me there and with my half sick condition I dare not drive myself there. So end up I went Sunway with some friends :) But i tell you wad... looking for parking an hour and eat there like 45 mins and we ciaoz already -.- haiiiihhhh damn sad ! 

My sick is getting worsen, never so GONE.. Keep come and go. It's sucks anyway ! I work half day and back home rest again. and spending my night writting blogs now ! Hmmmmmmm /.\ Pray hard that I'm recovering soon. Cause it's suffering. 

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