'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Marriage. Love. Life.

As usual, I always have no time for my baby blogggg. It's been so so so busy for me to settle my things w the bank, my dad's maid, my car and so much of things that came all at once. I have to work have to spare sometime for my friends and also my family. Not going to talk much about what had happened but I'm here to talk about yesterday's biao yee wedding. Topic to talk about today will be : Marriage.

What do you guys think about marriage ? Of course, something to do with love. LOL ! I feel happy to see her finally found her Mr Right and get married. She made me believe that forever exist.  Because she had been waiting Mr Right for 37 years. She didn't rush to get married with her age because she claim that if god never made her met one she rather to be alone for the rest of her life then to actually bound in to someone and split in the end of the day. WOW ! I was wondering..... what she said for quite some moment. She was so lucky to found the one right now ^^ I shouldn't be in rush too to find someone who doesn't appreciate me. I knew that there must be someone out there for me :P Teeheee Hope both of them happy ever after ya ! <3

This is some of the pictures capture yesterday :) 

Me and my granny 

W cousieeeeeeee :D

The both soh pohhhh :)

My both lovely 4 yi po and yi gong 

All of the elderly w the bridegroom ^^

All of em' 

The 3 sister ^^
Well, this coming week shouldn't be so hectic to me as all assignment are submitted. Hopefully I got more time to express how I feel alright :) Btw, the whole week I don't feel happy due to bank always give me so much of problem. My feeling for the whole week was like fucked-up. My emotion are up and down. 

I seriously got hurt with someone's words. I didn't know that I treated you with a true heart and all I got in return were words saying that I've used you. Fine. You can say that it wasn't written to me or somehow whatsoever. I wanna leave all these hurtful people in my life. I want to live on my own. I have so much of stress and sadness to be bared. I just wish there is a space for me to rest. Guess I shall end all these pain. I seriously hate people who didn't know a single shit and ends up blaming on me even without asking a thing. Like a WTF situation. 

Happy thing to say is that next year am going to REDANG trip :) Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh w my Poh's gang! arwwww lovely ^^ Can't wait for the trip ! Wohooooo <3 Btw, forgot to update ya that I'm actually going to thailand soon end of the month. Still considering want to go or not lehhhh ~ Hmmm Cause was so broke due to the bank delaying my loan. Arghhhhh DAMN ! So hak cai la the whole week ! Grrrrrrrrr 

Guess this is the whole week of mine. This is a rest-y Sunday for me. I need a good good rest ! I wanna go pasar malam later larhhhh ! Who wanna go w me ? ^^ I want eat the bread :PP *I'm a so good fans of that auntie uncle* sudah makan few weeks continuously without fail -.- 

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