'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Sunday, October 7, 2012

University Life

It's been so long I've missing in action. It's been so so so so hectic to me. I've just back to uni for about 2 weeks time :) I'm now a degree student. I also finally made up my mind to continue fighting with accounting even if I'm scared of it most of the time. I'm kind of a risk-taker :P But I believe God will lend me a helping hand if I helped myself out. So, I've actually stay nearby uni in order for me to go to class and also working. That's why I got no time for my blog. Dear bloggy, you wont angry mami right? xDD I can say degree ain't really an easy thing... Worse part that some paper are 100% exam. Was like what the ...? /.\ Individual assignment SUCK-EST thingy !

This is my tiny little paradise :D 

I can say staying by your own really TIRING! Not to say about money, you gotta clean, tidy, mop, wash all your own thingyy w your own is NOT an easy thing as I have to work and study and also back to homey on weekend ! Was like OMGGGG ! Gonna faint soon. Everyday eat maagie cup till you feel like vomit ! People say that staying outside have a lot of freedom but I dont feel I got freedom at all in doing all these. I dont even have time for my own even I want to swim down there also like it takes a year time for that wish to actually come true. @@ But guess this gonna end soon.. A lot of things shows up like nobody business. Sometimes I really wish to give up. Very bored in living life. Got lost. But life move on even if you're standing still, okay ?! Haihhhhz ! Wish that the company I had invested will get back to operate in normal soon ! Or else I'll jump off the building ! That's all for today ! Ciaoz !

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