'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A day out to Leisure Mall & Viva .

It's been the very first time I bought cinema movie ticket with my own debit card and iPhone apps ;) eventhough it failed like for 3 times =.= I know Im dont Im just not familiar in using it okay >< 

Since he claim that I dont know how to tham him , so im replacing the day for you and thank god you said you like it ♥ 

We watched Mission Impossible and after that have our late lunch here ;)

The LavazaA Cafe's Menu ;)
The meal of the day

The interior design is AWESOME ;)
We went to pasar malam then , a great exhausting day . 


Today , Jia en & me went to Sunway for the warehouse sales . I want a coach / burberry bag badly TT But the queue long like shit =.= Seriously nowadays people buy things like few bucks .. OMG ! Dont understand ! 

So we decided to have our lunch at Popeye due to my inner pain I dunno why makes me so uncomfortable or even have that appetite to eat , so I dapao go home eat lorhh later . 

After I went home , while surfing internet I was shock because I not accidentaly login something . And I was impress by that page . Seriously ... I'm so happy how it goes with the flow . But I wonder what happen to this few monyh recently ? No updates ? Why ? I've got no answer . Perhaps it's ALL the same . After some period of time , things will change , I guess ? Or people got used to know the real you and they start to treat you with the way they think you were DESERVE . What kind of bullshits . LOL 

I do appreciate that page , but not after all . Because it CHANGED . Imma better move on ? OR hang on ?

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