'Cause it's the every little things you do :')

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lost World Trip

Like I say last post, curioso groupie is going for another trip this year ! Yeah, Lost World Ipoh :) 
So let's start of we our journey with getting everyone ready at uni and I left my car there and start heading to Jin Xuan for breakfast ! Yeahhhhhhh, Liu Sha Bao is my fav! :D 

Before we started our jouney to the North, I have to sent my aunt stuff and thanks to NickieNic for always being a helpful one as always :) As usual, how can we go on without a selfie ? So, lem'us take a selfie ! 
The Retareded Us
Only sometimes, we are retarded... We are normal most of the time :P

I can't really remember how long does the journey takes all I know is when I wake up from nap I'm almost there ! So getting all our rooms and check in done. Still. let us take another selfie ! :P Let's rock the pool yooooooooo :D

It's nothing really special almost similar to Sunway Lagoon but what makes it special is that the Hot Spring and the Spa are SUPEBRB ! It's a girl paradise man !! Oh goshhhhhh..... How can I bring you home ? hahas.

Coincidentally, the day we went falls on the 14th which is White Valentine. Lolol
So we went to this Ben & Lynette for some lil celebration :) Heheheh ! 

After that, we went to this so call Tong Shui Gai ( Dessert Streets ) for some sweet tooth ! 

As I walk along the street, I love the lighting and the scenery. Wishing that how nice it would be if everyday I can enjoy life away from the city, from all those hectic life and live freely with the soul and the mind peacefully. No stress, no nothing. Just as simple as this. Spending time w the one. I wonder how long does it take for me to enjoy such a life. By decreasing my desire of life?
Zap Guo Bing ( Mix Fruit Ice )

Since the night is still young, we decided to do something #YOLO again. They wanna go SOS but I didn't bring any the heels. You really want me to go like this =.=" So we end settling ourselves at this Bricks & Barrels. This time 2 beer and 2 shots KO ! Level up ! *Peace*

Everyone got a hangover last night therefore, we are unable to wake up for breakfast. So we went down all the way to this " Da Shu Jiao" eat. Sa-Kok is always my love ! Gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Before heading back to KL, we still manage to get some nice foodie to bring home ! Never one time we never go home full of foods man. Really mm dim laaaaaaa ~
Custard Egg

So we ended up our trip quite rush and tired. I wish we had more time to chill like we once did like last trip. Looking for upcoming trip after this sem yoooooooooooooooooooo :))

Monday, March 10, 2014

Throughout the 3 months.

Hey peeeepo ! Don't know what move my this lazzy bum ass to write up a post today. As you know, I always love writing blogs and feelings down. But with my super bad connection in my room in addition with my super busy life. I can't really write on time about everything. =D

I wanted to blog badly back then about my CNY post. But there is really too much to blog about you see.

But before that let me show you our Pangkor trip on January first :)

The Mr & Ms Pangkor :P
So yeah, we had one month holiday. So we planned to go for a vacation. I've got no idea where we are really heading to but I just follow since I got nothing much to do also. Ipoh + Pangkor had finally come to the final decision. It wasn't really fun as I've been there before and the island are really small. But what makes it fun is because this time around Im going w bunch of classmate :) It's been a alcoholic trip for them because they brought tons of beer and liqour in. It's really tough carrying them all the way in. hahahaha I really had a great time there. My very first time riding on a bike. I really love staying by the beach. The non-hectic kind of lifestyle is really relaxing and loves. OMG ! How I wish I don't have to go home. 

Let's just sum up with all the CNY post here. It's been nothing special about the year. Its kinda odd to have myself at home since Day1. hahahaha... Well, I have to get used to it now and learn all by myself. I've learn that no matter what in the end, its always you and yourself. So yeah, its okay to be selfish sometimes I guess? 
One of the pic I love the most during CNY !

Nothing really special throughout CNY. I went out w all my friends. Its seems like once a year gathering. Cause everyone will be like coming back from overseas and outstation. I love it when you see all your friends after so long and you've got so much to share about the year. You got your new plans about life. Your dream and goal to be achieved. No doubts I love spending quality times for bonding like this rather than hanging out watching movie and getting something fancy sometimes.

With them around, its been a blessing. Really. They always gives me this positive energy whereby I always have the second thought to slow down for chasing so many things in life. :) Thank god for each and everyone I met despite those unnecessary one. 

This year I wouldn't be doing all the posting up photo of each and everyday of CNY. Cause I did it every year. -,- LOL girlssssss..... Check it on insta if you really miss me so muchieeeeeee. Gheeeeeeeeeeeeee*

Let's move on with valentine. Well, this would be the year i received most of the gifts even some of them are yet to be receiving. But it's kinda sad cause I gotta work on these day like really WTH ? So many valentine gift no valentine is a bit weird anyway. But my aunt say you don't have to rush for it. If its yours it will come eventually. Make me feel a lil better at times. One of the most out of all gift, I would really want to thank my dark knight. ( he claim himself as one anyway -.-) Thanks for being there for me whenever I needed you. Sent me Starbucks when Im so fed up studyingggg. You always ask me not to fall in love w you. But I gotta say I really love you like how you love me like sis. xD Thanks for seeing deep down in my eyes without even needing me to say one word of it. 
Thanks for the pre-valentine dinner

Not long after, it came to the date of 24. Well, it reminded me a lot of things. I said I don't want to kept myself writing up about you. But I couldn't help but to think about you and emo for some while. I find myself struggling if I should have wish you. I find it hard and start deleting all the pictures we took in insta and realize that things are so different now. I might no be the one celebrating it with you now. I wish you no bad, but somehow one day to understand how it feels what I'm having it. Please don't turn out to be someone I don't want you to be. 

Time flies.... Stepping in the month of March now. WOW ! It's closing to my birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyy ! It's my 21st birthday. I've been wondering if I should have throw a party or not. But to really manage tons of monkeys are not an easy thing for me. hmmm. Once in a lifetime. Kinda dilemma. But I guess. Simple is the best? Guess shouldn't have ask for much. Be thankful.

Ohhhh yeah, before I forget..... Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! This is my new look. I know its kinda weird. Whatever it is. Cause some say nice some say dont. I just want to try and cut before its too late. Old I mean. That time will be even weirderrrrrr.... Hahas !

Been spending two nights with my love. Love having her around. If you ask me to describe her. I guess I would say that she is a mum for me. Eventhough, she is younger than me and always scold me face to face directly. Deep down I know she cares me and protect me as if I'm like her daughter. I love you w all I can. But you see we both have flaws. I mean everyone have flaws. Both of us a kinda short tempered girl. We tend to argue and talk loud and bad sometimes. But we will never leave each other. My love, I'm sorry that I couldn't join you guys for Taiwan trip. I got exam. Else I'll be there with you... TT I promise I will go it w you again !!

A girl who sees more than me and taught me so much about life. She made me learn that not everyone called them self as friend ain't really been treating you like one. She taught me how to protect myself and see this real world differently. I admit that I trust people easily. I know I'm dumb at times. Thanks for always being there to remind me. hahaha I don't know why you are more like a elder sis to me. 
I love you ! 

Am going to Lost World soon w Le Curioso Groupie. After so long, finally another trip of our gangggg :) Hopefully, I got sometime to update my next post about the trip ! hehehe. Ciaozzzzzz ! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Brand New Year - '13'14 ♥

Hey there, its been so long since I last updated about my daily lifestyle. Since there is Dayre, it makes so much easier than to blog here seriously. But if you asked me, I still prefer having my laptop onz at the cafe I love listening to music and blog about life. As you know, I have to study at the same time I have to work. Therefore, I can't always have enough time to do what I love like anyone else does. Sometimes, I envy most of my classmates but I tell myself being most of them are too MAINSTREAM. I believe I could achieve something better at times :) Gheeeeeeeeeee

I'm sorry for the very late post. I've been through a lot this year. Learn a lot. I've grown up a little bit more now *peace sign* 2013 is definitely not a year I want to remember. If you get what I mean. But it was also a year that taught me so much that I've learn to stand up everytime I was force down.

If you asked me if I'm regret in the past. I would have say no. At least, I know where I've did wrong and I SWEAR I'll never repeat it again. I know things I did that made some of my closest friend got fed up and disappointed w my decision but you know that's me. You know I'm stubborn, that when I want something I want it no matter what. Ain't because I'm me that makes you be my friend ? Hmmm.. But, I apologize if I did make you guys offended w what I say and what I do. But I thanks god that you all still stay by my side even I did wrong so many times.

Well, let's come to work first. Yeah, I admitted that everyone has ups and downs. But sadly is that the one you think to spent a lifetime with doesn't willing to go through this hard time with you anymore. You taught me so much about humanity. You taught me that how a person can twisted everything and put the blame on you when he is no longer in love with you. Till and then few days back I found out what exactly was behind all your BULLSHITS about getting over us. So yeah, this would be the last post about you. Lets left everything about US in the past and never ever show up in front of me again.

I've been challenging myself out for different things. My dad and the uncle's friend is the one who give me that much of courage for me to join this Miss Petite SEA thingy. I couldn't imagine myself standing on the stage facing all the media but I'm thankful that I did it perfectly fine and get to overcome stage fright. I might not win in the end but I did my best. Daddy say: I'm still the princess of his eye  If you asked if I really find this fair. Hmmm, I would say that it's a game of rich people. #LOL

It's been a wonderful and meaningful throughout the year of 2013 for me. I learn. I heart broken. I cried. I fall. I get up back. And fight for a better year ahead :) Happy 2014 everyoneeeeeeeeeeeee ! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I'm back ! Just so you know my blogged are so dead and it takes real lot of time to get things updated time to time. It's been a hard time since the end of June till now. Nothing seem to get better. God, stop testing my patient. I can no longer stand all this stress anymore. 

You know a whorl-type of girl like me wouldn't give up without trying. When I say I'm in a terrible shit, I meant it. I take whatever job that offers which is never like me. I did try to change. I change my job. I pray hard to god, hoping that he can hear me. But nothing get better. NOTHING. I couldn't get myself in a proper sleep about a week. Stress-overload. Insomnia. I wanted to go to the pharmacy to get some sleeping-pills. Else I really gonna die soon if this continuous gonna drag me. 

I finally willing to write blog today out of a sudden is because I finally found that I got no one to talk to. Instead writing it out could get to release some of stress ? I'm just back from work, and the words that this customer say really hurts me that I keep on crying in the washroom. I really feel like quitting the job ! 

I tell myself to bare in me how hurtful the words it is to me and prove to you guys that you are wrong !! I don't eat also I'll make sure that I'm gonna slim my fucking waist down ! 

I wish I could write everything down of what exactly my heart feels :( 
And at the same time, you find yourself with no one to talk to...
Family, everyone have their own problem in life. Dont want to bother them.
My so call best sis, busy working and tend to mix around w her colleague more.
Boyf, never know what to do with. 

You'll never understand the stress that I'm facing. NEVER. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bin Bin Birthday ! ❤

First of all, Happy Birthday to our Bin the Dustbin !! :) Officially 20 now.... Hehehehhhh ( no longer the only one so old TT

We met up at uni and we drove all the way down to KL for our lunch at Levain Boulangerie Patisserie 

See how fast can an iPhone function in a second ! :P

Happy Birthday Boyyyyyy !

Our lunch of the day :)

Since we had nothing much to do while waiting for the desserts to be served, time to SELCA ! Hehehhhh usual thing larhhhh... Dont have to say much right ?

Free movie ticketssssssss :) * thumbs up *

Im so fat man ><

W ze birthday boyyyyyy ! I love this pic so much wehhhh ! <33

Zeeee twooo bros aka couple :P

W le Soh Poh :S

After finishing our lunch, we head to Pavilion for movie and guess what ? When we were queuing up for movie tickets a girl came and approached us with FREE TICKETS ! ( 3D somemore ) We was like okay lorhhh take the free movie instead of waiting for the queue that we werent sure to get the time we want. ( I watch Monster University twice wehhhhh ) Since it's free.... hmmm why not ? So we bought some drinks before we go in but they even provide us popcorn and drink as well. We was like ..... WOW ! 

This guy ( bufffday boy ) claim that cause of his birthday GSC purposely free it for him and also other as well just to celebrate his bigggggg day worrrrrrrrrr.... ( Budak tak tau malu ) hahahaha

Anyway, after the movie we hang around in pavi and we were so happy to find out that S'pore DC Comic are cheaper M'sia DC Comic ! It's like we got it for less than half of the price here AFTER DISCOUNT wehhhhh.... Happykid. Lalala ~

We than head to Caffeinees for dinner. As usual, we got so much time to waste and we took some funny retard pictures like we always do. Hahahahah.. Dont ask me why, cause I dont think we've got any idea with it. 
So he look like taking the pan want to hit someone ? Hmmmm

So many cake today right ? Want you to have a nightmare w TIRAMISU !

I love this also man !
Credits to myself hahahahah ! Like a pro taking picture :D 
Acting cool huh ? I hope this doesnt FAIL ! :O

I guess that's all for todayyyy. I hope the bufday boy enjoy his day with us although its just a simple one :) Sorry, if I write too short or my english is too hard to understand. Let picture speaks louder than words then. 

Looking forward to our Sunway " Class " tripppp wehhhh ! Can't wait to see guys with mankini ! :P Anyway, I'm so happy to have a bunch of monkeys like them that we share a dream together ( although I know its a short one ) but we really work towards it and make it come true. That's the thing to be appreciated. Love you guys anyway. Love lots, XOXO 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


还是原来那个我 不过撂掉几公升泪所以变瘦

对着镜子我承诺 迟早我会换这张脸应对笑容

不算什么 爱错就爱错
早点认错 早一点解脱

我寂寞寂寞就好 这时候谁都别来安慰拥抱

就让我一个人去痛到 受不了伤到快疯掉
我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用来我回忆里微笑
我就不相信我会笨到 忘不了赖着不放掉
人本来就寂寞的 借来的都该还掉

还是原来那个你 是我自己做梦你又改变什么
再多的爱也没用 每个人有每个人的业障因果
会有什么 什么都没有
早点看破 才看的见以后

我寂寞寂寞就好 这时候谁都别来安慰拥抱

就让我一个人去痛到 受不了伤到快疯掉
我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用来我回忆里微笑
我就不相信我会笨到 忘不了赖着不放掉
人本来就寂寞的 我总会把你戒掉

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Johor-Singapore Trip

It's time to update you guys with my JB-SG trips !
Can't wait to check out those scrumptious food and tempting desserts right ? :)
So here we go !

Day 1
We took bus to Johor to look for our bossy the Nickie. So this is our stay for 5days 4 nights.
Aint this is too comfy to sleep with ?
Japanese Style somemore ! Give you a like *thumbs up*
Even my son say he dont wanna leave this place ! :P
So, we were supposedly had our lunch at Sutera Mall for Duck rice but sadly it was closed.
We had our lunch at Taste Bug Cafe.
Yeah, I know it sounds weird to you, me either. Is like WHAT ? I'm gonna eat bugs ? LOL
But no doubts, the food there is really tastyyyy.If and only if my stomach had more capacity for me to actually put in dessert that would be PERFECT !
Aint all of them makes you feel like trying it ? :D
The bossy tour guide, Nickie :D
Bin the Dustbin :)

Me and the soh poh :S
After lunch , it's time to SHOPPPPPP !
We went to JPO to do some SCANNING so we can make up our mind what to buy on the last day before we way home to KL :)

So hell yeah, everyone go their own way to get things they wanna look for.
I get myself some facial foam and stuff like that.

We had some drink before we back for dinner. Just so you know, when we are too bored. We started camwhoring ! Cause this us. This is what we do.
Cause this is us. We reveal the other side of us. Cause we feel comfortable when we be ourselves without hiding !

Adelene :)
Nickie :O
Let's do some retard faces :P
We tagged William along to head to downtown for dinner.
The only dinner that I cant help myself but laugh SO-HIGH ! You know ? I can't finish eating my food because I cant stop laughing man even all of them had finish their own food.
You will get to UNDERSTAND when you had the CHANCE to ever eat once with those curioso buddies why I cant seems to finish my food like ALL the time.

The EPIC part was, the so call best chicken chop in town weren't the best.
Failure tour guide we had, he claim the best even he himself never tried it before -.-"
Like a PRO !

Since the night is still young, we decide to had a walk since we ate so FULL !
We went to Danga Bay and here it started theFast & Furious 7 ( the Danga Bay edition ) which directed by our Bin the Dustbin :)

We rent a bicycle which could actually fit six of us. Genius invention, aint it ?
We cycle it around the beach side and we even did crazy stuff like chasing the car by the road side and we even ride it across to bridge which seem so impossible like a small kid. LOL !

We ride it recklessly until our Director have to be a mechanic to fix the bicycle before handing it back to the person in charge. So can you ever imagine how bad and fast we ride it ?
Those childhood memories we did it all at once. We even had a ride on Merry-go-round as well ! ^^

Imma happy kid ! 
trying to act cool duh ? seriously ? On a horse ? LMAO
Day 2

Since we had a bone-weary yesterday night, we woke up kinda late.
We had our brunch at Perling.
It's kinda Zhengggg but its a lil too spicy for me. I have to like eat one spoon of mee and two three sip of water.
The so call ORIGINAL prawn mee & curry mee !

Since I was complaining way too SPICY, Nic brought us to had some SOYA BEANCURD
and I tell you this would be the best TAUFUFA I've ever ate !
It's a perfect match with such a HAWT weather man !

We've been waiting impatiently to watch Fast & Furious 6 ! We promise each other that no matter who jiooo us for this movie we also had to say NO because we want to watch it during the trip :)
So we did it ! :D

It's kinda SHOCKING when me and nic went to the counter and buy ticket, the cashier ask us to show him IC in order to prove that we are over 18 ! It's like do I really look that childish to you ? My god ! My hair were dyed lehhhhh LOL! 

ever since I was over 18 I've never been check at all lorhhh *laugh die me*

While waiting for another 2 little girl to come, we went to Lavender to eat again ! It's like we had our food less than an hour ago -.-
reason we gain weight so damn gao lat 
This guy, I ask him to take picture of me he took my phone and selca himselves 
Behhhh tahannnn !

We do some teenager things again : Neoprints !!

Some of them went home. and we head back to Perling to had dinner w bossy and his mum :)
This restaurant its kinda eye catchy to me because of the name of the restaurant ' Mana Lagi '
Cool aint it ? I'm gonna had a restaurant named it " Sini Lahh "

We went for DESSERTS like seriously after the dinner.
We eat all day long !

Mouth-watering already ? 

Day 3

It's time to head down to Singapore ! We woke up like 5 in the mornig man !
This is driving us INSANE !

 When we are waiting for the bus to arrive, lai lai SELCA ! 

Since I've been to USS like few months back nothing much to say here. 
But it just feel different when you know go with a bunch of MONKEYSSSS

Be the model of the car ! Yooooooo :PP

Don't mess with us !

Too bored while queuing up !
With ze two body guards of mine ! 

Waiting to watch transformers ! :D

What's his name again ? Cookie Monster ? Hmmm

With Elmo ! <33
The four :S

We had our dinner at Stulang Laut
Although it's just a normal mamak store or somthing but you will be impress by the chef there. 
He cook fried rice with like mountains of rice in it but still control the taste pretty good.

It's useless if only I say, try it out yourself :)

According to our plan, we suppose to had a drinking session that night even though we were damn tired we follow the flow.
We went toLIBRARY and the both clubbin master started to teach me and nic to play the dice game.
We started getting addicted towards it till wherever we go and whenever we are tgt we just play it nonstop.

Anyway, my tolerance towards alcohol is superbly SUCKS ! Half of it I almost drunk -.-

Day 4

Everyone was like half-dead, so only me and  nic had brunch at George & Dragon Cafe !
First time try out scones ! Desserts always never disappoint me ! :)

We went home to pick up the other two after they woke up and we head to KSL for a walk and also for them to hook up some food for themselves.

I bought myself a phone cover at only RM10 happilyyy! 

We then watch Afterearth at MBO ! This is out our planned but since we had nothing much to do. So why not ? 

We went to City Square to check out our bus fare into SG. We had our dinner there too at Canton-i.
It doesnt taste as good as KL somehow.

I want to go to this desserts shop badly because the picture show in instagram was really tempting !
So this is it. Can you imagine how big it is even four of us couldnt finish the whole thingy ?

Like what we expected, couldnt finish it. We finished it by playing DICE game again. Yeah I know it sounds like stupid idea. But we did it.
Thanks to bin finish it almost everything. But I know you wanted to eat it so much thats why you purposely lose to us right ? *evil smile*
I bet he went to toilet at night many times.

Day 5
We head down to SG again to shopppp.
We bought some stuffs and we get to grab real cheap SUPERMAN tees ! :D

The tees we bought together in USS

We had our meals there which makes us feel so proud to be a malaysian kid with various of delicious food.
Their laksa taste like curry mee to me -.- 
But uniquely they eat with only spoon.
This stupid laksa cost me 8 bucks malaysia ringgit man !
which i can find better food in KL

Since we are leaving SG soon, we decided to had some desserts I mean real GOOD FOOD since we had some money left. Without a second thought, we just order what we want !!

Day 6

Finally, it comes to the end of holiday !
Which means we have to accept the fact that school gonna START so SOON !

We had our brunch w nic's dad.
We had our last shop at JPO before we head the journey way home.
I bought myself a polo tee from Ralph Lauren. 
Which cost me a heartache. 

We ended our trip happily and satisfiable. 
Cause whenever we go together all we find is HAPPINESS

More trips to come, aint we ?
Our next aim : Bangkok, Hong Kong & Korea !


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers